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Admin Pack Object

A Admin Pack Object is an object returned from the API which contains information about a pack for admins. The details about what data it provides is listed below.

Returned Data (Represented by $object)

$object->idintThe ID of the Pack
$object->namestringThe Name of the Pack
$object->safeNamestringThe Safe Name of the Pack for use in API Calls
$object->typestringThe type of Pack this is (public, semipublic, private)
$object->versionsarrayArray of types Pack Version Array for the Published Versions of the Pack ordered by time published
$object->devVersionsarrayArray of types Development Pack Version Array for the Development Versions of the Pack ordered by time last edited
$object->descriptionstringThe description of the Pack
$object->supportURLstringThe support URL of the Pack
$object->websiteURLstringThe website URL of the Pack