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Access Levels

There are 2 different types of access levels available from the API. There is a public access level and pack developer access level.

Public Access Level

This access level is available to all and doesn’t need an API key to access. Information supplied to the Public Access Level is limited and there are lower request allowances.

Pack Developer Access Level

This access level is available to Pack Developers only and requires an API key to access, which can be obtained in your Settings page of the Admin Panel. Pack Developers will have higher request allowances.

Request Allowances

Each level of access is limited by the number of requests they can make in a certain time period. In order to not reach these limits, make sure you’re caching data and not fetching too often. Once your limit has been reached, you will receive a 429 response code and will be unable to do anything until the minute since your first request is up, which you can find a unix timestamp of when your time resets in the response headers. Below you can find a table listing the different request restrictions in place:

Access LevelMax Requests Per Minute
Pack Developer300

Rate Limiting Headers

Every request includes 4 headers to give you information about your rate limiting including the number of requests made, left and time until you can make more. See the table below for information on the headers:

Header NameWhat It’s For
Retry-AfterThis is how many seconds to wait until you should retry your request when you hit rate limits
X-RateLimit-RemainingThis is the number of API calls you have left based upon your rate limiting
X-RateLimit-LimitThis is your rate limit and is the maximum amount of API calls you can make within a set time limit (see above table)
X-RateLimit-ResetThis is a unix timestamp for when your rate limiting will reset

How To Make An API Call

To make an API call, you simple need to make a call to with the appropriate path to what information your looking for. More information can be found throughout this API and in it’s sub sections. If you are a pack developer and have an API Key, it must be specified by adding a Authorization header with the token as a Bearer token (for instance if your api key is 12345, the header is Authorization: Bearer 12345). Alternatively you can add in a query param or form param of api_token.

All requests to the api must contain a valid useragent. Your useragent should have the name of your software/bot and ideally some form of contact information (be it a website, Discord username or email) where we can contact you about your use of the api if there is an issue. Failing to do so may cause your requests to be blocked and potentially your IP address blocked.

We provide RESTful functions using the GET, POST, PUT and DELETE headers.

Basic Returned Information

All requests to the API will return 4 things in an object encoded in JSON. $object is used to reference the decoded JSON string returned from the API.

$object→errorbooleanIf there was an error, this will return true, else it will be false
$object→codeintThe response code for the call
$object→messagevariesA string containing the error message, if any, else will be null
$object→datavariesThis is the Data returned from a successful API call. Will be null if there was an error,else will contain an object, array or string depending on the call. See the specific page for what it will return

Some API calls have special variables starting with 2 underscores (__) which are special. Most notably the __LINK variable provides the URL to the given objects API path. Be it a version listing or a pack listing, this will provide you with a simple way to find the way to get more information about the given object you have received.


There are some packages you can use to make working with our API much easier for different programming languages. While this is a short list at the moment, if you write a package for a language to work with our API, please let us know by contacting us so we can add it to this list.

Please note this list contains unofficial packages and we cannot always guarantee they will keep updated or work as expected.

Node.js (Official)Link

Where To Go From Here?

Please look in the sidebar for a list of categories relating to the API and what methods are available.